miller bolaños in Chinese
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- bola
- n. 套牛绳球〔长绳或皮条末端系有重球体物,作驱赶和套牛用〕 (= bolas)。
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- miller
- n. 米勒〔姓氏〕。 n. 1.磨坊主,面粉厂主;工厂经营人。 2.铣床;铣工。 3.碾磨机工人。 4.粉翅蛾。 短语和例子 Too much water drowned the miller. 过犹不及。 miller's-thumb 杜父鱼;杜父鸟。
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What is the meaning of miller bolaños in Chinese and how to say miller bolaños in Chinese? miller bolaños Chinese meaning, miller bolaños的中文,miller bolaños的中文,miller bolaños的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by